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Constructed in 1872 on the site of a previous mill, Wilder Mill no. 3, is the last of the three Ashland paper mill buildings, and one of the many mill buildings that had been the center of Ashland's economic and community life for decades. 


This paper mill made lots of toilet paper!  A fun fact was that up until the mill closed in the early 1960's, the mill produced colored toilet paper!  What color would you put in your  green?  or maybe a nice blue?  Due to environmental difficulties of disposing of the dye's and a newly put in town sewer the mill closed because it was cost prohibitive to make the changes necessary to make it environmentally responsible.  There is still paper pulp lining the walls and ceilings in the basement today!  The basement is not open to the public, however, there are samples of the paper on exhibit for you to see!